Abramelin, day 170

Both morning and noon rites went well.

When I take stock of my current situation, I’m painfully aware of why my stress levels are where they’re at:

  1. My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
  2. One of my kitties almost died on me and now needs twice a day insulin shots for her diabetes.
  3. Work drama may cost me my job down the road.
  4. A major storm did enough damage to my car last night that it will need to go into the shop. I’m just lucky that it fell in such a  way that my car didn’t get totaled.

And this isn’t even remotely touching the rite and everything connected to it.

I need to become self employed, gods help me. But most importantly, I need to accomplish what I set out to do and why I decided to do this rite to begin with. And I need to not confuse related matters with it and get shit tangled up in such a way that it becomes that much more intense.

More than a little overwhelmed right now.

Evening rite went well.


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