The end and the beginning

I completed the final week successfully. Much of my notes, details, and what-not have been logged in my diary offline. A good chunk is too personal to share, some of it I’m uncertain, and the rest I’m still hashing out.

I’m still integrating and figuring everything out. This was a very, very changing experience and I can only understate its impact. Ending it and going into the holidays, being thrust back out into the world was pretty jarring, and being back at the “rest of my life” is both confusing and frustrating. Thankfully the holidays will help me to wind down a bit and figure everything out.

I do plan to put all of this plus some essays into a book. So in the meantime…keep posted.

5 thoughts on “The end and the beginning

  1. Scarlet,
    Thank you for sharing your journey. I will miss your updates.
    We all hope to hear your further reflections and understandings of your experience.

    Bill A

  2. Russ Clayton says:

    Dear Scarlet,
    Pleased to hear of your completion.
    It’s been a long journey,and of course I wish you were able to give us more detail on the part we have all been waiting for…..
    However, while feeling some disappointment at your lowering of the veil on the experiences of the climactic phase,I do fully understand that it is your prerogative to keep those details private,if that is what feels best for you.And perhaps it is imperative you do so,as I imagine the period of assimilation required may be vast in some cases.
    There is also the fact that mystical experience,when real,is something that transcends words.
    So to convey to us what you experienced might never be possible via the use of what are,well….just mere words.And its the process of ‘going beyond’ that is what this stuff is all about,no less.
    I hope though,when the time is right you will try to share some of it with us.
    But above all else,let me congratulate you and wish you all the very best.
    May you in due course be the recipient of a thoroughly satisfying,fruitful,and rewarding outcome to your colossul undertaking…….that of performing the Abramelin rite in its entirety.
    Love and Blessings to you and all your loved ones.And may 2015 turn out be your greatest year yet !!
    ‘We 3’. (that’s me Russ,and my two kids:-Bon,17 and Daisy,9)

  3. Akash says:

    Hello Scarlet,
    I read the books about Abramelin’s magic lately, and wondered if there was truth to it. You impressively completed the ritual. I just wanted to ask if you really get in contact with your Guardian Angel through the rituals. Like see him/he or call out to them and hear them speak? I’ve read a few threads on many websites about the performers’ dissapointment when they did it correctly and nothing turned out. Just wanted to know your experience..

    • scarletmagdalene says:

      Yes, yes you do. I can only answer for my own experience during the final week, but I was able to hear and speak with him VERY clearly. Afterwards, close to total silence. Things didn’t pick up again for another 4-6 months or so.

      I don’t see him in the physical sense, but he’s shown up in my dreams and in deep trance communication states. Most of the time he doesn’t have a clear face but he’s been known to “borrow” a few. Usually I just hear him.

  4. Samantha Sabovitch says:

    Did you end up publishing something about the conclusion? I’d love to read it. Thanks for sharing your journey.

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