Abramelin, day 229

Morning rite went well.

Ran around like a nut from one errand to another, finally remembered noon prayer rite MUCH later but managed to get it in.

Noticing that since I started phrase three, I’ve been having lots of very intense dreams surrounding the same theme. Not sure what to do with it nor what it’s pointing me towards, and I think playing around with it too much would just be a distraction from the rite anyhow. While I’m sure my attention could pull me towards worse things, I know myself entirely too well.

Eating habits are suddenly all over the place and it’s affecting how I feel, not good. Gotta buckle down tomorrow.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 228

Morning and noon rites went well.

Vitamin D kicked in, had WAY more energy than I’ve had in days. Never forgetting that supplement ever again. Got some errands done, voted, exercised, relaxed.

Still have a ton of shit to do, and still recovering from a month of crazy. Ugh.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 227

Morning rite and noon rite went well.

The daylight savings fiasco continues to have me utterly wiped and exhausted. I absolutely hate this time of year with a passion. Working out didn’t help, adding vitamin D to my supplements hasn’t helped (yet). So. Freaking. Tired.

Got a lot done today, errands-wise, but still a ton of shit to do–and next to no energy to do it. Ugh.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 226

Morning rite went well.

Used the extra hour with daylight savings being gone to workout, I badly needed it.

Got sent home early from Salem job, with the weather being as it is (SNOW wtf), it was pretty much dead.

Noon rite went well.

Totally wiped, guessing due to the daylight savings fiasco. I HATE the way this screws with my bodyclock AND I haven’t seen sun in too long. Ugh.

Evening rite went well, save for a crying kitty outside my door. :-/

Abramelin, day 225

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

Today was much lighter at the Salem job than expected because of the weather, which is cold and rainy and very winter-like. Bleh. Wanted to hibernate all day. Had lots of fun however.

Downside to being a medium: getting messages from your grandmother that she’d really prefer you to be a nice Jewish girl instead of all of that Greek god pagan stuff.

I don’t think there is any way I can qualify for unemployment at this point because I’ve been making entirely too much at the Salem job. I didn’t think I’d either have those extra hours nor that I’d be so successful. I owe Apollo AND Hermes some major thanks.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 224

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

Another day in Salem, Halloween was a bit less crazier than I had expected. I fully expect that the real crazy will come tomorrow. Whee!

Very, very long day today. I also don’t know how I can go back to my regular job after this, I really don’t. There is such a massive difference between the skills I use in this one vs the ones I use in IT.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 223

Was up at dawn, and hence got to perform morning rite. Easier now that daylight works in my favor, won’t happen after this weekend due to the time change. I wish Massachusetts would decide to stay in daylight savings mode year round. Screw screwing with our body clocks.

Noon rite went well.

Spent day relaxing, first day off in a week. Tomorrow will be the Total And Complete Shitstorm since it’s Halloween in Salem. I’ll be taking the train and transferring to another train then back again in lieu of driving. Nervous as hell how tomorrow will go. But after this weekend, I get a week off to just relax, get shit done, and have some real time off before starting my new job. Perfect.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 222

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

I’ve realized that my days and nights are filled with doing divination, magic, seership, mediumship past few weeks. If this isn’t alchemical I don’t know what the fuck is. I’ve been getting my taste of full time magician, witch, and priestess and I’m finding that it comes entirely too natural to me. I feel at home.

Another day in Salem.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 221

Morning rite went well.

Got unemployment straightened out, scheduled car for repair, and got an energy scan reading, and all before noon today. Fun times!

Another day in Salem.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 220

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

Another day at the Salem job, busy doing readings. Got home, fed cats, crashed. Despite the exhaustion, still infinitely prefer the work I do here vs in IT. That’s saying a LOT–in both directions.

Evening rite went well.