Abramelin, day 31

I just realized that I’m technically now in the second half of phase 1, if using the Mathers’ version. I have essentially “signed myself up” for six months to start but as I’ve been telling my HGA (and anyone reading this blog) it’ll take as long as it takes. Not here for a drive thru and fries with that to go.

Morning rite went well. I leave to go back home today and it’s back to my regularly scheduled rites and location. My dreams were both normal, and not. My subconscious had a lot to rant my about in regards to personal boundaries. Again with the pendulum: I’m typically either super militant about them to the point where everything and everyone is shut out, or I have massive issues with people who start disrespecting them and treating them as a joke. Needs to be somewhere in between. This is a universal problem on the Internet, “real life”, etc. Issues with my family later on confirmed that feeling. Tests, tests, and more tests.

I had an interesting conversation with others today about our relationships with the gods, how specific ones have affected our lives, etc. It was wonderful to talk about things I normally don’t feel comfortable sharing with a great many people.

Evening rite went well. I missed being in my temple room.

Abramelin, day 30

Lots of dreams about my friend last night, lots of weirdness. No nightmares per se and slept well otherwise.

Morning rite went well. Where I’m staying I have an eastern window! I usually just face east, no window. The fresh air and sunlight is nice.

Not surprisingly, I’ve had my first share of negative commentary whining that I’m “profaning my angel” by blogging this and my experiences. First of all…anyone reading this can tell that there are some matters I speak very obliquely about. I’m not baring my soul here. Secondly…it’s between me and my HGA. On day 30 I think I’d hear or perceive something if there were a problem. In any event, my task is simple: inspire others to get out there and do the work. Since I’ve started posting I’ve had all sorts of private messages telling me them that my Abramelin posts have inspired them to get back into the fray, so to speak, and do the Work. That shit THRILLS me. I live for that. For that reason and that reason alone, I cannot see what I am doing as a bad thing.

I took my oath publicly because it’s not a private oath. I’m holding myself accountable. Others have done the same.

I believe in what I’m doing, and by the gods, I will see this through.

Abramelin, day 29

Morning rite went well. I think I dreamed about my friend last night, far too many clues: the hair, the singer moving to Canada, and starting up her own city. I commented ages ago, wondering about whether or not there were entire cities of the dead. And there was so much white everywhere, and strange things like talking and blinking dolls.

I feel like this entire experience right now is a treasure hunt, with one clue leading to the next. I’ve traced it back to my days back in the Golden Dawn all the way through to my third Portal initiation (long story) in 2007 and a conversation with EHNB around Sept/Oct of the same year. After rambling at me in Enochian, he had but one word to say to me, and he said it over and over again: “Evolve.” He gave very little instruction, mostly just imagery.

Honestly…I feel good. Better than I have in a long time. I think I’m on the right track towards many, many important things. I hope that I am right. I had a lot of insights while driving, which I tend to do. I also needed the time to myself to meditate.

Tonight I did the crystals in the corners of the room and the one representing the Abramelin altar thing in my room here while I stay over visiting my family. I think I did okay and it went okay. Travel need not be such an obstacle I can’t work around it. As I said earlier…no excuses.

And tomorrow is yet another day.

Abramelin, day 28

Wow, my dreams last night were fucked up. NO idea what brought those about, but seriously not cool. Some serious purification/cleansing is in order. Cleanse and purge indeed.

Morning rite went well, considering.

Day went okay. A few trying moments at work from the usual suspects but otherwise fine. This evening however was…chaotic. Too much multitasking to try to get stuff done, wound up completely fried.

I did however reach some valuable insights on a longtime problem that’s been troubling me, and I think it’ll also help me immensely with the Abramelin operation. I need to sit on it and meditate some more on precisely how to go about it, but I think I’m finally off on the right track. There are also some things I want to guard myself from in the process, and I think I touched upon a few of them tonight. In essence, I need to reclaim some stuff that was lost but without discarding stuff I’ve gained. Already in realizing what I need to do I have found myself pulled back today into shit I haven’t been involved with in years, including some old Internet habits which will Serve Me No Good. I may need to cut back on my Facebooking or find a way to be more moderate with it. I’m sorry, folks, but I have a big mouth and when I see certain things I have to speak up. It’s a huge part of my personality for better and for worse. At times it’s beneficial and at times it sucks me into drama llama which is more distracting than useful. I will however admit to enjoying batting around the occasional Internet troll with my paw (insert cat imagery here). They amuse me far more than they annoy me.

Today’s theme at work, in dreams, and online seemed to be all about Bullies and How to Respond to Them. It seems that for the most part and in most cases, humor utterly disarms them. Unfortunately in some settings that’s not always possible.

Evening rite went well. It’s interesting how I have these little quiet insights that slip into my mind, sometimes while doing the rite. They’re useful. Tomorrow I leave to visit family, and as promised, it’s “do your best and forget the rest”, as Tony Horton of P90X fame would say. If you can do the Abramelin while sick and unable to leave your bed, you can do it while traveling. I put some crystals consecrated with Abramelin oil in the corners of the room and on the Abramelin altar, and plan to bring those with me as sort of my traveling temple room, so to speak. I won’t be able to do candles, incense, etc but I can still do the prayers and keep up the fight.

No excuses. All obstacles are a part of the rite and are a necessity to growth.

Also some nice insight in abundance and attracting abundance not just in terms of health and wealth but also time. I never feel like I have enough. It’s time to start attracting some more.

Didn’t get to do much of the purification and cleansing I wanted to, but I got some laundry from my bedding done. It’s a start.

Abramelin, day 27

Morning rite went…okay. Whining has escalated to begging and pleading. I know that my life cannot remain the way it’s been, and I cannot continue to live it like this. I won’t say that I’m typically terrified of change, but when you’re more afraid that things will remain the same versus changing, it’s typically a sign.

I gotta say though…I am feeling FRIED. Like “I need a vacation” fried. Is this normal? I’m feeling very off balance, out of sync, and drained. Maybe it’s the stress, I don’t know.

Finished reading Joe Vitale’s The Remembering Process. About to reread a few books I haven’t read in a while that I know are pretty useful. Definitely will need to think of other good books to read which I haven’t yet which would be useful as sources of inspiration. I could use some.

Evening rite went well. Am incredibly tired and will undoubtedly pass out not long after posting this.

Abramelin, day 26

Morning rite went well. I continue to be under the impression that my HGA is not impressed with my bullshit, but I have no idea how much of that is projection. I am my own worst critic, after all.

I am down to my last couple of tealights so bought some more today.

Work was trying, but I actually got a 5 alarm fire resolved so that was good. I wish for more days like today in that regard.

Lots of personal bullshit and issues to toss onto the pyre, some of them ongoing for years. I decided to take a long walk home today and I don’t know if it was good for me or not. I did get drenched due to the torrential downpour. Spoke with a friend after, got some insights, and now it’s like someone let the air out of the balloon. I’m so fucking exhausted. I’m painfully aware of how many people depend on me for one thing or another and I’m barely reliable for myself. Ugh.

Seven years is a long time for a Dark Night of the Soul, isn’t it? I’m very nearly there.

Evening rite went well. I found myself praying for one thing over and over again: I want to be awake. Please help me to wake up.

Cleanse and purge.

Abramelin, day 25

Morning rite went well. I think. Painfully aware of how much bullshit I need to purge.

Finished the Holy Guardian Angel book today. I plan to digest, read some more personal development books, then give it a re-read.

I am realizing that I don’t have a lot of quiet time. I go to work, I workout, I watch tv while I workout, I go online, etc. I need to cut back on the amount of time I spend online and use it for reading, meditating, etc. I think I’m entirely too used to distracting myself from all of the stress I typically have on a regular basis.

My mortgage refi closing has been delayed, tentatively scheduled for my birthday. Ha. Taxes are filed. Job is still…well.  I am finding myself less and less motivated due to the amount of stress they put on me and the lack of any positive feedback when I bust my ass to get everything done. I am also painfully aware of the fact that the team I am on is a leaky boat and I’ve been given a thimble to help get the water out. I am thankfully poised and prepared financially should I get laid off for any reason so no stress there–I’ve prepared for that well in the past month or so.

I am trying to focus on one day at a time, but there are days when I feel like I’m flailing. Today is one of them. I need to manage my time better or I will not be able to keep up with the changes as they occur. I am doing my best to remind myself that everything, absolutely everything, is a part of this rite. I will not have any false separations.

I had a dream a few nights ago that I accidentally brought my Hellenic pagan name into a work related chatroom and it was…awkward. I really need to become self employed.

Evening rite went okay, but I just feel inadequate to do much tonight. I don’t know if I’m being too hard on myself or I’m just recognizing that shit needs to change and I cannot fall back into old patterns.

Abramelin, day 24

Morning ritual went well. Some whining but to be expected, I suppose.

Last night was an amazing ritual with my coven. At some point during it, I realized for better or for worse, I had to let go of something. In the process of doing so, it was like everything just burst wide open. Astral sight very nearly melded with physical sight, and I could see for a few moments so many people and their connections to spirit and to everything. I could see the energy running through the participants like a strong electrical current. No matter what I could do, grounding was impossible after that and I was dizzy and spacey. I left at a semi-reasonable hour, fed the cats, did the evening Abramelin rite, and went to bed.

Today was trying. As in, trying my patience. Lots of personal issues I’m fighting with. I went for a long walk to and from meeting a friend for dinner and it helped.

I did many, many short divinations today for people on behalf of Apollo and it was good. However, I am now exhausted and I ran out of time to get my laundry done, particularly for my bedding.

It must be said…everything I needed to know or comprehend from my conversations with my HGA has been through watching the tv show Supernatural. If you have not seen the show, do. They even use Enochian. Anyhow, Castiel IS my HGA. The temperament is terribly, terribly similar, and attempting the hell to communicate can be…interesting. 


I’ve been reading the Holy Guardian Angel book from Nephilim Press, and there’s an essay in there that’s very spot on in my experience with the HGA. Years ago, I achieved conversation with my HGA. I took it as K&C because hey, who wouldn’t? I learned the VERY hard way that there’s conversation, and then there’s knowledge and conversation. I don’t think it’s intuitive; I think it’s an easy error that people make often. Without a basis of comparison, how would you know? And who would? After years of studying and practicing magic, it’s very gratifying (and often humbling) to know that I am still a Dumbass Neophyte.

Evening rite went…okay. I had the immediate impression upon stepping into the temple room that I was in desperate need of a scolding. I apologized for my continued bullshit and expressed a strong and sincere interest in removing my bullshit. While tomorrow is another day, I don’t know how to get myself straightened out. I need further communion with Apollo.

Attempting the hell to communicate continues. Cleanse, purge, etc.

Abramelin, day 23

Morning rite went well. I had a dream of sorts, half awake and half asleep, and I heard someone say something to the effect that the way to the dead was not actually through the underworld, but via Olympos. I could’ve sworn it was my friend. I think if I am to interpret this correctly that where she is at, she keeps bright company. It is, for a lack of a better term, heaven.

While I feel that I have a ways to go in getting my shit resolved, I actually have the hope of getting there. I feel like it’s within reach, and I’m no longer just flailing around and chasing my own tail.

It’s interesting; the first and only “real” time I interacted with and spoke with my HGA was a few months after my grandfather’s death. I dreamed about talking with my grandfather too, actually, but that’s a whole other story. I remember spending much of the time talking with my HGA apologizing for not having realized he was there all along, in other dreams and conversations and it was so obvious I felt like a dumbass. I thought I had achieved K&C then, but really I just had the “C”. Perhaps it was preparation for what was to come.

Evening rite however was …challenging. And draining. I went straight to bed after and passed out for a good eight hours.

Cleanse and purge.

Abramelin, day 22

Morning rite went okay. I knew today would be an “interesting” day owing to work related issues and tonight’s memorial concert event held in memory of my friend and on her birthday besides.

I’ve had a lot going through my mind this whole time, and much of it has been filled with regrets. There are some things you can’t get second chances on, as unfair as it may seem, and this is one of those things. I spent so much time fearing that I didn’t have enough time that I made it into a self fulfilling prophesy. I also spent so much time withdrawing from life that I wasn’t able to really live. Surviving is not enough; you need to thrive as well.

It’s the little things I’m noticing: I’m almost perpetually tense, something I’ve never realized before and I don’t think I always have been. I rarely am genuinely relaxed. It’s more of a mental thing than a physical thing; it’s like I’m on hyperalert at all times and waiting for the other shoe to drop. It also interferes with me reaching that state which is ideal for doing any form of magic or act of will, which is that perfect union/serenity of will and letting go. I like to refer to it as “riding the Tao”; it’s the ultimate sweet spot that once you’re in it, you basically go into cruise control and accomplish everything you need and want to do.

Stress can really impact your psyche. I had a few fairly traumatic personal events occur over the past few years or so, and it basically turned me into an introverted hermit. Aside from a few select social groups and certain events, I have nowhere near the social life I used to have. Too many bad experiences with people just plain made me not want to deal with them.

Unfortunately I now realize that when I did that I missed out, and not only did I miss out, but I let the negative circumstances win. An extremely harsh lesson to learn, and one that I hope people will learn from me so they don’t go through what I did. People shouldn’t have had to die in order to get me to realize all this, and I think the reason why the Abramelin has so far gotten me more social as opposed to less is for this exact reason: I needed to learn it.

Cleanse and purge.

On the other side of the coin, there are aspects of this working which remind me of one of the reasons why I started avoiding socializing to begin with: I’ve had a massive surge of unwanted attention in the past week or so ranging from merely uncomfortable to HOLY HELL HOW CREEPY AND SKEEVY. And I mean, massive. I suspect given the nature of the working it’s to be expected. As I commented earlier, I don’t want to be as overly militant about my boundaries as I have been but at the same time I need to be about to assert them also. Tonight reminded me of this also.

I am currently reading The Remembering Process by Joe Vitale and Daniel Barrett. Highly, highly recommended. The idea is to treat goals as future memories and in remembering having already done it being able to achieve the goal. Pretty neat stuff. And I should be done in time for the Holy Guardian Angel book to arrive!

Evening rite went well. I have a lot to process.